The Lotus Mudra is used to open and connect to the heart chakra and is often associated with an image and notion of purity. Imagine the Lotus Flower: a beautiful bloom that sits peacefully on a calm pond. As it opens and reaches towards the sun, its roots dive deep into the murky depths of mud. From darkness, comes light.

Sit comfortably. Place yours palms together and then separate your three middle fingers, keeping your thumb and pinky touching. Soften your gaze towards the palm of your hands. Breathe deeply and smoothly.

Carianne Eisenson

Named after the Hindu deity said to have removed obstacles, the Ganesha Mudra is one that helps to eliminate and extinguish blocks in your life. When practiced, it helps create courage during challenging times.

With your left hand in front of your chest, turn the palm away from you with the thumb pointing down. Then, place your right hand in front of your left with the palm facing you and the thumb pointing down. Interlock your fingers.

As you inhale, relax the tension of your grip. As you exhale, begin to pull the hands away from one another without unlocking your fingers. Repeat 4 times and then switch the direction of the hands.

Carianne Eisenson

The Dhyana mudra is one that creates not only a deeper concentration, but brings tranquility and inner peace when practiced.

Simply sit with your hands facing upward, right hand resting in your left palm. Allow the thumbs to gently touch.

Close or soften your gaze and take several deep, balanced breaths. 

Covid-19 NEWS

as we continue to navigate covid, we will follow cdc guidelines and county requirements. please be in touch with questions.

We look forward to continuing teaching and connecting with you.
